1 min readJan 26, 2017


I want universal healthcare for every grumpy, old asshole who has said the word, “n!#+*r.”

I want universal healthcare for every fucked up woman who said, “she deserved it.”

I want universal healthcare for every bastard Texan who yelled, “build that wall.”

I want universal healthcare for every crooked politician who swore they never pilfered from the public coffers.

I want universal healthcare for every Wall St. broker sucking up fees like a rabid werewolf.

I want universal healthcare for every lecherous fuckhead who grabbed a pussy.

Why? Because if I want it for me then I want it for everyone. That is the definition of fairness, and compassion. It’s the reason people vote against it.

If people are turned off by; morning after pills, birth control, abortion, HIV medications, drug addiction treatment, mental healthcare, transgender healthcare, and free condoms, how are we ever going to get to universal healthcare?

We gotta put our hand out first because they never will. Trump wants to have revolutionary change, let’s give it to him.




Artist, Writer, Tattooist, Find me on Instagram, UnSplash, and FB under that same name.