4am Somewhere

2 min readJan 3, 2024


It’s been a hot minute since the last time I ventured onto Medium. The splash page has been beaten down to a dull, dusty form of its once glorious self. I remember when clickbait pictures worried serious writers.

I had coffee after noon, it was my undoing, and my reason for coming here. I thought carelessly that I could read myself unconscious. Doltish behavior on my part, and now I’m busy seeing if I have any voice left after 4 years of silence.

Anyway, looks like tiktok has put a death grip on our attentions. I am not sure where the good writing is hiding, probably behind a well thought out paywall. Not much to find here. I looked at the tag for politics, and mostly skimmed this and that hoping to find something resembling journalism. Still skimming…

Dare I look for poetry, or fiction?

Don’t know, but my feed left me incredibly uninspired, and worried my $5 monthly contribution is being spent on a single person’s mansion. At least my entire oeuvre is still intact. Thanks for that!

😂😂😂 Seems there are still craptastic quirks that stunt the capabilities of publishing with an ipad. The above photo was taken by me of a tattoo I designed for a client at my previous studio in Asheville, NC.

Writers from Mediums glory days are encouraged to say hi.




Artist, Writer, Tattooist, Find me on Instagram, UnSplash, and FB under that same name.